After months of work finally muucho holidays and although I have almost going to end, I'm enjoying the last days of laziness, up late, having nothing to do and not have homework.
I love vacation!
And perhaps these are my last vacation so, calm, Disappear and laziness.
And with so much free time I do? Well
starting blogging, reading, watching TV, be on the internet and other things without productivity.
But also I spend whoooole day or almost every day in my house, and to some extent can be boring.
Sometimes there are days that I go out, even the garden of my house!
This is what I call enclaustración
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What Kind Of Dresses Are There On Poptropica?
; Iacute; cule in English, by the way ... I was always seeing her in VO). Is that, really, is so great that Peter Jackson and other silly women hombrecines and I get jkskfhkjsf The Hobbit and, of course.
And again I remember how much I fell in love with Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom when I was 9 years old only, oh. It had all the wallpaper, poster-size, hanging from the movie brought U.S., ring ... I went to an exhibition that took place here and freaked. But there were the costumes of Gimli and Legolas, among some others and went to Santiago sóoooolo to view. Te
Oh yes, Legolas ... taládrame heart-open arms
But if this trilogy has triumphed and has been so great is the good feeling, of course.
much love, favoooooooooooor! ♥
Orlando and his hair, OMG!
What do you think of this? Kjsfdhkjdkf The boy face is adorable Bloom and Viggo ... kjshdakjahd is Viggo.
I imagine playing y. .. xD finally bonitaaaaaas things, aaaaaaaw.
and phrases, fraaaaaaaaaases, could not miss, of course:
A wizard is never late. Not soon. Arrives just when needed.
I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are bitter. "Hands up everyone who has cried over this time, oh god.
never imagined he would die fighting alongside an Elf
. - not with a friend?
- Yes, that without hesitation."I love the momentoesupitajodeAragorn e_e And hear this in English more.
Many who live deserve death and some that die deserve life. Can you give life? So do not rush to dispense death. Not even the wisest
these extremes can be discerned. "Wise, Gandalf.
Even the most insignificant person can change the course of the future.
"Cuantísima reason. "
Before you share a life to face all the ages of this world alone.
"Oh, the amooooooor. "
If my lifeor my death I can protect you, I will ...
has my sword "Aragorn, let's get married *-* " Gondor has no king, Gondor needs no king. "We've all hated and cried at his death.
is dangerous, Frodo, going out your door. You step on the road, and if you keep your feet, you never know where you can take. "
" - I wonder if people tell me one day: "It tells the story of Frodo and the Ring." And say, "Oh, yes, it's one of my favorite stories." "Frodo was very brave, is not it, father? &XC
And okay, I like all stop and would not stop and never above this is so fucking beautiful, and I'm so oversensitive ♥
PS: Tomorrow someone Ferrari wears, ay, ay, ay.
And again I remember how much I fell in love with Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom when I was 9 years old only, oh. It had all the wallpaper, poster-size, hanging from the movie brought U.S., ring ... I went to an exhibition that took place here and freaked. But there were the costumes of Gimli and Legolas, among some others and went to Santiago sóoooolo to view. Te
Oh yes, Legolas ... taládrame heart-open arms
much love, favoooooooooooor! ♥
Orlando and his hair, OMG!
What do you think of this? Kjsfdhkjdkf The boy face is adorable Bloom and Viggo ... kjshdakjahd is Viggo.
I imagine playing y. .. xD finally bonitaaaaaas things, aaaaaaaw.
and phrases, fraaaaaaaaaases, could not miss, of course:
A wizard is never late. Not soon. Arrives just when needed.
I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are bitter. "Hands up everyone who has cried over this time, oh god.
never imagined he would die fighting alongside an Elf
. - not with a friend?
Many who live deserve death and some that die deserve life. Can you give life? So do not rush to dispense death. Not even the wisest
these extremes can be discerned. "Wise, Gandalf.
Even the most insignificant person can change the course of the future.
"Cuantísima reason. "
Before you share a life to face all the ages of this world alone.
"Oh, the amooooooor. "
If my lifeor my death I can protect you, I will ...
has my sword "Aragorn, let's get married *-* " Gondor has no king, Gondor needs no king. "We've all hated and cried at his death.
is dangerous, Frodo, going out your door. You step on the road, and if you keep your feet, you never know where you can take. "
" - I wonder if people tell me one day: "It tells the story of Frodo and the Ring." And say, "Oh, yes, it's one of my favorite stories." "Frodo was very brave, is not it, father? &XC
And okay, I like all stop and would not stop and never above this is so fucking beautiful, and I'm so oversensitive ♥
PS: Tomorrow someone Ferrari wears, ay, ay, ay.
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