screen i to screen i+1 or i-1 for all i between 2 and 8. Additionally, it may be possible to navigate between some other pairs of screens (sometimes only in one direction).
(The only way to find out that the user navigated between some screens is by receiving a procedure call from the system. This procedure should then perform the necessary operations to set up music.)
The user starts in screen 3. When the user is in screens 3 to 6, there must be, normally, some background music chosen randomly out of 100 possible samples of background music. Each sample has a fixed duration. When a sample is finished, a new sample must be randomly chosen and its playback started.
When the user is in screens 2 or 7 or 9, there must be no music heard. However, if the user returns to screens where music is allowed, it should be again switched on to the same sample as was previously playing.
When the user is in screen 2, there is a possibility of navigating to screen 1 (the \n 1, there is an independent choice of background music that has effect only for screen 1. When leaving screen 1 to, say, screen 3, the choice made in screen 8 again has effect for screen 3.
If the user navigates from screen 8 to screen 9 (\ff music. If music is switched off, choices made in screens 1 and 8 are still available but will not result in audible music, until music is again enabled in screen 3. At that point, current choices should have their effect, as if music has been enabled all the time.
If the user leaves the program, the same state of the music on/off switch should be restored when the user starts the program again.
Initially, the user is in screen 3 and music is enabled. (Thus, initially the user should hear a randomly chosen sample.)
An evil twist due to the technical implementation of background music on the system:
In order to switch off the music, it is necessary to execute a single command (\c and start playing a certain sample (whether or not music has been playing at that moment), it is necessary to execute two commands with a small delay between them: \