Friday, October 29, 2010

What Doyou Fix Tilling My first entry.

This is my first entry, so it's a situation that is full of firsts for the obvious, if I'm on this page, it is not a fan of the anime, or art, or publications that make outstanding Fans the site if I'm at this site is for one person, who is the love of my life, whom I love and adore with all my heart.

never had intentions of being a cheesy love, but confess that I have fallen in the hands of my beautiful Maria. Livejournal
is special, because it was in this way where I could learn a bit more about it and when not even talked to us and we were far from having any kind of friendship, I read somewhere that dreaming of being an artist, being an actress , and his words were strong, and radiated passion, if


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