Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Building A Table For Xl Or Large Big Green Egg

; Nbsp; even if bad memory in a past post I said something that gives information on the subject.

But, what were my plans before going to study?
claaaarooooo Ahhhh!
If I'm honest truth is that I wanted to go something like 1 añoo time away, to travel, learn languages, or just strolling ...
But things took a different way and just could not go.
And I'm not complaining or anything, I love my school and I like what I'm doing.
Now I only got to the point where I can go exchange options and thinking haha Australia sounds good no? I say this well down the map and that is enough, or that such NY, is much more dreamy, pero dream does not cost.

Y are called rental!
am to 1 week to say taraaaan FIN!
Now I can enjoy the holidays, the days without having to submit work without having to study for exams!

I say goodbye wishing them the best of Giving Thanks (: and have luck in your work / task / delivery and final.


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