Monday, September 23, 2002

Nln Pn Pre-entrance Exam


Hello everyone!!
ok, look, next 27 (friday in Japan) I`ll leave from
Narita airoport (Tokyo) at 16:45 (I guess)
arriving to Ezeiza airoport (Argenrina) on 28 (29 in Japan)
at 09:35.
I know it`s pretty soon, forgive me I didn`t tell you before.
but I wasn`t sure...and also AFS here took fuck me as a hobbie..
to the hell with them, anyway, to cantact me please do at:

Saavedra 3050, Santa Fe 3000, Santa Fe. Argentina
tel: 54-342-4533536/4524764
my new (or better, old) ICQ number is: 147051694

thank you so much, please let`s keep in touch
Maria Victoria Carrera

27 日 (金曜日) に 帰る こと に なりました
東京 の 成田空港 を 16 时 45 分の 便 で 発ちます
そして 空港 Ezeiza (Argentina) に 28 日 の 9 时 35 分 に
着きます (日本 で は 29 日 です)
もっと 早く 教えなく て すみません とっても 急 だった ので
結局 今 に なっ て しまいました
ごめん ね!
これから も ずっと mail とか 手紙 とかしましょう

住所: Saavedra 3050, Santa Fe 3000, Santa Fe
电话 番号 :54-342-4533536 / 4524764
番号 ICQ: 147051694

今 まで ありがとう ご ざいましたこれからもよろしくね!
Maria Victoria Carrera

Friday, September 13, 2002

Zoe Olive Oil Where To

and the lunch .. quite, but things like paint, I think today is not like ~ _ ~

Zoe Olive Oil Where To Find

estabanmos seller and surrounded by Dir En Grey, which obviously made us all re flash ... Buan spent a moment until Kaoru began to ask questions of "Gothic Lust" and I got very nervous and could not understand ( eventually suenio in Japanese), so I went to look for the Tama in the company of my beloved Toshiya, to help me with translation from Japanese, so we walked and I was about to eat y. .. y. .. y.. ...... And the doorbell rang !!!!!! TWENTY THOUSAND TIMES! so here if I had to wake up or if no one answered ... and I left all asleep and very expensive ass (you know why) to the balcony and started shouting-hai!, hai! - a that no one answer, then listen to voices down and thought - Ray! this mother, because it is so! -
and I went back to bed hoping tmade to all of MY house. but my mom just came in the car and took charge of all ... but not me, and I wanted to eat and there was nothing!

conclusion: I is not eat my beloved Toshiya, without replying to Kaoru, tube awakening SHIT! and still do not know if I want to return or go to Tokyo and to top it off I am without breakfast / almuerzo.....Shit!

Thursday, September 12, 2002

Adult Diapers On Airplanes AAAY! .. No!

many thanks for all the support ... but right now I'm in the middle of everything, I have no idea what the hell do I go to Tokyo, BUT WORTH IT! but also I'm dying to go back!, today I was 7 hours vegetating in the library so here, as I wanted to change the landscape, the other two I spent in the restroom crying like a wanker! and thinking what you really want to do ... y. .. NO!! I hesitate, damn me and my putisimo perfect balance because of that I'm 50% and 50% Argento Tokyo ... What the hell is this? is supposed to fix !.... seriously do not know what to do.
one enchanted by "Tokyo", but when I was there, I saw a girl of exchange that did not look happy, and also think we are Putisstudents, and if I slit my going to a concert of Mana in the middle of Shibuya, the host family and the entire staff of AFS I will kick the ass of the worst, the truth I went to the Dir en Grey a miracle, because part of AFS can not do anything but study and go to school ... the rest is prohibited, and if I get my family to send three cops who do not understand and Visual Kei that Ensim is a typical japanese family fucker the only thing I want is you study as a machine ... I take the first plane to Argentina and did not say goodbye ... the truth is that horns do not ...

Wednesday, September 11, 2002

Swimming Pool Starting Blocks

bristled by my laugh, no?) singing, take care when they are in fart, I speak my mind without being considered Lucifer for that ... damnit! I'm dying!
truly believe that my deepest desire is to get back with you. but first ... I will fight until the last thing to move. would not be fair to then say that Japan is a fucking shit being only known this ... I need to go to Tokyo and take a chance on life there, maybe things are different ... maybe there is the same shit .. . but if not I will not know ... honestly prefer mourn and increase my wisdom to laugh and still be a stupid ... I want to grow, that's what I came to do and no growth without pain ... but at least here and became unbearable, definitely I can not stay here for

Friday, September 6, 2002

Eharmony Promotional January 2010

.. NO, fuck off! I want each and every one who goes through this humble journal say,
FUCK YOU! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!! many thanks for all the stamina that I do, I really receipt the forces that give me! thank you very much and I promise to fight to the last, I promise all you do for me. muchisiiisiiiisiisiisiiisimas thanks!!

Thursday, September 5, 2002

The Paper Company Template

now I find myself as a murderer on the last day of the trial hoping that the jury verdict ... I mean, I'm floating on a cloud of insertidumbre these degenerate until they give me the song if I end centencia I go to the city or not ... Secondly
school teachers tell me I look like a cadaver (Pale: it's actually my skin color always had dark circles: is up early every day at 6:00 pm, No Energy: it is the I composure characterized by maniana) so here I have sitting in the library every day, resting as a pickle, from 7:30 am to 4:15 p.m. doing nothing ... it looks like any teenager Argentine suenio .. . but in reality is considerably tiring. I have spent one week completa in a vegetative state ... I have faith that soon get to be a zanaoria .... the situation no camber to 10 of the current ... but do not worry that fart so many hours one can learn Zen meditation, and if I so until the end of anions capable than I can become Buddha.

Sunday, September 1, 2002

Armstrong Sx Ultra 90

Classes began ....................... ..... ....... shit

Topsy Turvy Cakes In Knoxville Tennessee

well, I have a couple of things to say to the "BirthDate"
..... 1) Size: happy birthday ... sorry I did not remember ... you know I'm not that kind of people ^ _ ^ ;
2) I "chord" of the Lucas birthday because I notice the same mail "3 is my birthday !"...
3) on Lisandro s birthday ... I did not know until I notice that Luke was 30 and as I have a different day I thought of calling it the 29 but was on vacation and thought it was that day and finished by calling the 28 at night to attend his mother me and tell me that in fact he was born on 31 ....


other hand ... began the struggle to raise me to hell .... if all goes well I willto transfer to Tokyo or Oosaka ^___^ I leave the village
and there if it gets interesting .... the thing here is not doing very well so here I have loooong want to move to the BIG CITY ...
and thanks to the monsters I'm becoming a great knight .. A DRAGON TO CUT THE HEAD OF AFS HAHAHAHAHAHA!! (And also I'm getting a little crazy)
but I have great faith! "Born heart will find the way" says Nightwish so here A CHARGE !!!!!!! I just have
news story!