estabanmos seller and surrounded by Dir En Grey, which obviously made us all re flash ... Buan spent a moment until Kaoru began to ask questions of "Gothic Lust" and I got very nervous and could not understand ( eventually suenio in Japanese), so I went to look for the Tama in the company of my beloved Toshiya, to help me with translation from Japanese, so we walked and I was about to eat y. .. y. .. y.. ...... And the doorbell rang !!!!!! TWENTY THOUSAND TIMES! so here if I had to wake up or if no one answered ... and I left all asleep and very expensive ass (you know why) to the balcony and started shouting-hai!, hai! - a that no one answer, then listen to voices down and thought - Ray! this mother, because it is so! -
and I went back to bed hoping tmade to all of MY house. but my mom just came in the car and took charge of all ... but not me, and I wanted to eat and there was nothing!
conclusion: I is not eat my beloved Toshiya, without replying to Kaoru, tube awakening SHIT! and still do not know if I want to return or go to Tokyo and to top it off I am without breakfast / almuerzo.....Shit!
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