at the \Actually ould win or lose money. Let us Consider a game in Which Are the coins tossed four times
(let's be realistic), and I win in Each toss if the coin lands heads up, Otherwise you win. Suppose I bet $ 10 on Each toss, and you bet $ 2. Probability theory will tell us That I am making a mistake on Each toss Because I am going to lose $ 4 on average. That how can we verify this is correct? If we start playing and I win, does it mean the probability theory That Does Not Apply to Coin Toss? No, Because It Can Happen That I win. If we start playing and I lose, does it mean That the theory is correct? No, Because It Can Happen Also
That I lose.
Let us now imagine
That You Are a manager of a company Who decides how much you have toto bet in this game. You collect statistical information and find that from each thousand people playing, most of them win this game when they bet $2, although some of them still lose. Does it mean that your company should bet $2? Strictly speaking, it is still not certain that you will win if you bet $2. You and I may believe that it is better to bet $2 than $10 in this game, but it remains unclear exactly
it is better. I may say that it is better to bet $2 because then we win $4
on average
. But \on certain more or less randomly chosen information.
So, strictly speaking, the theory of probability can be applied in real life only if we believe that it is \
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