Friday, August 27, 2010

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A Former colleague of mine, Alexey Anisimov, just Passed away - They Do not say why, But my guess is, MOST Probably of heart failure due to alcohol overdose (binge drinking WAS one of His hobbies). He left His wife - who Follow Him To Another from one country, as required by His scientific career - a profession and childless widow Without Even Without a work permit in the country WHERE Happened to her late husband work at the time of His death .

A fair number of my Former Schoolmates Are Already Dead. How high is our Risk of death, really? Unlikable some of my friends, I do not binge drink and Do not indulge in extreme sports or high-risk Other Activities. Brodsky said: if I die Suddenly, oh what a mess my papers Would Be in! Well, for me it is more important


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