Saturday, November 27, 2010
Finding Semen Stains With Black Light
0. We confess in One True Faith, the Faith of Numbers and Chance.
1. Numbers Are eternal, unchangeable, uncorrupted, culture-neutral, omnipotent, and all-encompassing. Cultures That Do Not Possess dog numbers avail Themselves of Them. That Cultures do, can not rid of Them.
2. Known as WAS Chance Before the awful god of Chaos Who Does Not Understand Any human language and has no compassion. Numbers Are the only language in Which We May Our humble pleas submit to this formidable deity.
2. We Believe That Anything That Happens to us Personally, is due to Chance. Some of us talk to Chance dog - it is Those of Us Who Have Been Initiated and consecrated in the Magic of Numbers, for Chance dogand thankful for this. Because of this, we know Our Faith That is true.
Chapter 1. Of sciences.
0. Sciences Are Those That magic and sacred rituals Attempt to talk to Chance-through Numbers. Those of us Who are Initiated in the sacred rituals and Meditations, Truly Are Prepared to live by the Laws of Chance. On Behalf of all Humanity, we submit Our humble pleas to the deity and hope for no harm.
0a. But All That And That Happens Will Happen, is due to Chance. Be Praised Chance.
0b. It is Rightful to Believe That the mere study of Sciences is blessed, for the Impurities of the human soul May Be washed away.
1. Mathematics is the Theology of Sciences. Mathematics is the study of All That Can Be Said about and Stockaith is strong, The Misfortunes Will Not make us despair, normally the gifts will make us proud.
2. The study of the Rituals is lifelong. There Will Never Be an end to this study. All Other Activities Are Our limited by human nature, the arts Our Attempt to Attract Attention, the sports - to distract the body. Only the study of the One True Faith Goes Beyond our human nature and reach Towards the transcendental.
2a. This is a study Entire That May Take Our energy and May Never Be finished. Such is the power of the deity we worship Allmighty.
2b. We Believe That the study and worship in the True Faith is Its Own Reward and blessing.
3. Some people will use the Holy Practical Rituals for gain. The ritual practice Can Be Used tThings or produce new material, accumulate Wealth, or Simply to show off one's pride and one's Knowledge Before Others. These uses of the Rituals Are Neither sinful holy standards.
3a. Except if Such Activities detract from the concentration and time we Have in Our Lives, Time That Could Be Used for the study and practice of the Holy Ritual.
Sending 554 Transaction The Hamming Distance Between Mozart and Klezmer
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Arcade Alley Electronic Bowlercade Manual The principle of the relay.
is an electromechanical device, which consist of a set of switches, has a coil which, when successful, close contacts and permits, make the "control", moves the world, but the relay does not work if the coil or ma sbien if your heart does not get that momentum and becomes a mere lifeless object.
The person we are so we need something that will inject momentum, it is true that we have a coil can be energized, but, like the relay need something that gives us momentum to move, and move to ; the world.
Everyone will have its own power supply, as do the relays XD, some will hate, power and other
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Building A Table For Xl Or Large Big Green Egg
But, what were my plans before going to study?
claaaarooooo Ahhhh!
If I'm honest truth is that I wanted to go something like 1 añoo time away, to travel, learn languages, or just strolling ...
But things took a different way and just could not go.
And I'm not complaining or anything, I love my school and I like what I'm doing.
Now I only got to the point where I can go exchange options and thinking haha Australia sounds good no? I say this well down the map and that is enough, or that such NY, is much more dreamy, pero dream does not cost.
Y are called rental!
am to 1 week to say taraaaan FIN!
Now I can enjoy the holidays, the days without having to submit work without having to study for exams!
I say goodbye wishing them the best of Giving Thanks (: and have luck in your work / task / delivery and final.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Blueprints On Pool Table The map of political ideology in Latin America.
3 in South America are right (Chile, Colombia and Peru), others are left, but somo would say my friend, even the dogs are no races, that is not the same good Lula, I draw Brazil forward either way, a country distinguished by being always full of traitors, he wad, though, I'm sure the oragnizar the world and the Olympics are going to cause future MUUUUUUUUUCHOS sa problem, but who cares?, are entitled to this luxury jejeje, on the other hand is the old izquieda, hostile environment that seems problematic, such as Chavez or Evo Morales nice that I want it & n
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How Can A Female Get Chlamydia
I think WAS Rachmaninov's free spirit broken by Tolstoy. There is a reminiscence by the famous singer Shaliapin of His Visit to Tolstoy and Rachmaninov Performed WHERE Shaliapin music for the great writer. After hearing Rachmaninov's music and Shaliapin's singing, Tolstoy asked: "Do you think this music is good for anyone? Do you think this Learned That music is more Useful Than folk music to people?" I have the impression That Rachmaninov His style changed after this encounter, to make it simp
Monday, November 15, 2010
How Do The 3 Laws Relate To Apollo 13 In the nerve of the volcano, the devil lives in the silence.
on clouds
even when we throw
wind up dying in
the cosmic black, hence the Turtle will protect us in his armor, the onslaught of the elephant. Let's do a silent , why not know where you are, I know are asleep, is that these out to be so dawn, under your skin, the distance I can see a light, I'm looking , behind you is a exploding cell, escape from once, this is the year of e
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Is Hospital For Joint Diseases A Good Hospital
with a passion for photography continued
Gemini" no reason, nothing done "and I
and q (:
Aebleskiver Pan Substitute
Monday, November 8, 2010
Jvc Gy-hd110u Prohd Digital Camcorder Реаліи въ основѣ
Mer Moscow unto 1992 to 2010, Yuriy Luzhkov. Naznachen ukazom president.'s Wife -" independent entrepreneur "torguet real estate. Poslѣ addition, kak ukazom president Luzhkov byl uvolen, the whole family vyѣhala unto Anglіyu.
Behold that uznaem out of the newspaper Izvѣstіya ":
Just two weeks before the resignation- Krupnѣyshee sobranіe knig and manuskriptov, located on odnom out of glavnyh prospektov unto tsentrѣ Munich. Nikakіe "calls from Berlin" or decrees "administratsіi chancellor" does not touch this mogut zdanіya well kak and drugih voprosov held unto kompetentsіi mayor.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Exchange Rate Graph For 10 Years
Friday, October 29, 2010
What Doyou Fix Tilling My first entry.
This is my first entry, so it's a situation that is full of firsts for the obvious, if I'm on this page, it is not a fan of the anime, or art, or publications that make outstanding Fans the site if I'm at this site is for one person, who is the love of my life, whom I love and adore with all my heart.
never had intentions of being a cheesy love, but confess that I have fallen in the hands of my beautiful Maria. Livejournal
is special, because it was in this way where I could learn a bit more about it and when not even talked to us and we were far from having any kind of friendship, I read somewhere that dreaming of being an artist, being an actress , and his words were strong, and radiated passion, if
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Bmi Data Females Another Country На злобу дня
Friday, September 24, 2010
How Much Is A Golds Gy Membership and the other 4 500?
lunch sitting on a terrace eating a croissant and a drink
listening to a radio station, the noise of people and the source ... Blehhhh
Well, well, well
Well I can tell, and enter the school again and the net I am having a good
say the classes if they are heavy and I have a mooontoooon of things to do, leave me enough task but since neither to him.
There are days that pass too many hours in school and really have not had much time to go
But anyway I am having pretty good.
And returning to the title question ...
In my school there (or assumed) 5 000 students, yeah, so as it sounds but what's interesting here is how it is
Monday, August 30, 2010
Designer Make Up Cases Ray Bradbury does not want me to read his books any more
Friday, August 27, 2010
How To Strengthen My Lungs Science woes
3. Also You are Prohibited from getting a permanent position at the Same University Where You Are Currently employed as a temporary researcher. (This is Something particular to Germany. It Was Designed to thwart favoritism and to Promote free competition entre researchers. The result is Departments That Have to Whom They Can not Appoint people know as colleagues. As for favoritism, see the end of the post.) 4. Since There Are So Few vacant positions, temporary MOST research Researchers Have Appointments and Are Waiting for an opening of a permanent position somewhere. Usually, this opening is due to a mandatory retirement orresearch assistant. So you can not wait too long! Sometimes
Young Researchers Their inconvenient send questions to the newspaper, and the newspaper prints Sometimes These convenient answers to questions. A selection of Recent Such questions and answers persuadest me in the veracity of the gloomy picture.
"It is difficult to find a permanent professorship. Can I find a permanent job That research is not a professorship? Can I find a permanent teaching position? I like teaching!"
--- "You may find That permanent teaching positions, permanent or non-professorial Other Appointments, plow Rarely available. But You Can Consider Becoming a temporary lecturer, or a permanent teacher in a secondary school." (What they say about Do Notscientific career? I am Told That I will not weitere Then get offers. "
---" It Is Difficult to answer your question in general. There are so Many possible Circumstances That Influence the job decision, Such As your career Stated Objective, the quality of your application materials etc.etc. "(OK, enough of your bullshit. You Have to suck up to Them, or else!" Junior Professor "Means That You will spend 5-6 years working at the University of XYZ and Then You Will Be out in the street unless you Find Another job. Deal with it and shag you if you do not like it!)
"I am HAVING trouble Finding a permanent academic job. Can I Consider a job in the industry, or Such a job definitely does mean That I Will Have to quit science? "
CThis question not can be Answered 'yes' or 'no'. You are Not Necessarily 'overqualified', You Need to find out why your job Applications Were Rejected. If You Have professional connections with particular Professors at Universities particular, Certainly this will help you in your career. You Need to Consider how your CV previous research is indicative of a potential. Blah blah. "(No company will ever tell Why They Rejected why your job application. We do not know how to help you and we do not care. Every professor Already have a bunch of People Who Have Been faithfully sucking up to him and Need to Be Promoted in Their careers. Why do not you go to hell?)
And finally: the Union of German Higher Education Institutions (Deutscher Hochschulverband) has
the "sometimes Occurring" good practices of Appointing your friends' friends to Professors. How bad is the situation in reality? Nobody knows - There Are not statistics since the appointment Decisions Are Not public - But The budget cuts and the exploding student numbers Are Definitely not making it any better.
Exxonmobil Credit Card Payment Mors venit velocità, RAPIT astrocytic us ...
A fair number of my Former Schoolmates Are Already Dead. How high is our Risk of death, really? Unlikable some of my friends, I do not binge drink and Do not indulge in extreme sports or high-risk Other Activities. Brodsky said: if I die Suddenly, oh what a mess my papers Would Be in! Well, for me it is more important
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Installation Of Honeywell Rth3100c Post 15, dusting this fart
as always, is my custom section things a bit.
but not before doing a review of what happened in the previous post. Already
school is not an issue or topic of conversation, as we finally finished all my degree requirements, including passing with 90 Cisco 3, one would fail to pay me, lol, also Melissa and I graduated and even step CENEVAL with a great margin.
The fart now, as always there are fart 2, ENARM (National Residency Medical Examination), which is a very exam requirements in order to study a specialtyd in any hospital in the country.
The other is the social service of Melissa, which makes only can see 2 weekends a month, which despite everything, we've gotten quite good, since they both resent it, each in his way.
For work, I can say that this is the busiest year in my life earlier this year still working in sutherland, until March 1, when I switch to Metalsa, my first job with something related to my career, which was the remote technical support apodaca Metalsa, san luis, saltillo, India and Australia on the night shift, work that promised more than he gave me, and which lasts only 4 months.
really cool people known as Hernanand I joined the Robertkup, who was the one who helped me get
Soon came a call in which they solicited Cisco Engineers with knowledge of, and now I work for the company Nextira One, although I have not been able to work because of Hurricane Alex, the facility is not ready.
so I dedicate to leisure, which should not, because in a few months present my CCNA certification exam, now if sinmaestros partial, or to help or to fuck, I and my knowledge to the test online , neither more nor less, my next step in my educational and professional growth, as it is my intention to study as much as possible and make as much as possible, from here to my wedding and still married, stay in constant growth, pa
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Dieta Dla Grupy Krwi A Music - Critical - Belinda Carpe diem
And hold on to this thing largito
Belinda Carpe diem
all * wiii * I * puag * Before you criticize
see what wikipedia says this
name album comes from the term "carpe diem " a Latin phrase that literally means "Live the day" or "Enjoy the day & qul of my skin ", and other issues that have nothing to do with this telenovela as the theme," Take care of me ", written in memory of his grandfather Pierre Schull,
who died in 2008 ,
and theme "Maldita Suerte" , written for his fans in Brazil . Production Nothing says you fools who participated, nothing relevant for now. Graphic Arts The album cover CHTMCarpe Diem LXC was criticized from the resemblance to the concept of the campaign Hello Kitty Meets Mac, which both show similarities, including hair style and dresses like, based on the style of dress of the trend called lolita. After hearing a few songs, some criticisms, and comments from our audience not so familiar with my result is one big shit
1 The concept graph, and everyone will be pleased as Gwen Stephani, Madonna , and Lady Gaga, who also hacked them as fashion exists as much in japan lolitas, jpop, jrock, visual kei and todor that kind of sucks. BelindaBut back to some of the other are removed click end of the world and put it as something innovative, sorry, not everyone is as ignorant fools, but unfortunately some do. If Mexico is something innovative to the visual concept, and is well introdusca it, but honestly the dress is also the cock was better than his other album was porcierto auje the time of Emo (interesting fact) and also took advantage of this and abuse. Now when gaga puts fashion something more extravagant, more shrill and more cheerful compared to the past, now everyone forgot about emo, dark, punk, and others if I do not think they see his video light or weightless and beautiful treason The album called Utopia that has a very different Poradazo and repents, can see the incoerentes LETTER happy with his new philosophy, it plays songs like Umbrella Rihana, SELFISH EGO EGO EGO, umbrella ella ella ehh, just the same, and both abused a load of this , I agree that with repeated verses choir music, but not suck all this song was selfish ego ego ego and this was your so selfish and selfish ego ego ego then, there you realize that whoever wrote the song made no effort much, I hope to Belinda, but if someone wrote it sincerely PENDEJO @ ¬ ¬ Lolita: The definition has changed a lot lolita long and originated from a book by a Russian-born writer Vladimir Nabokov called which they described as a girl lolita provocativecourting adult and developing story this tragedy in love. It has also been given the form of clothing that was in Japan where fashion trends involving eduardias and Victorian (if I remember correctly) if they appear in ancient dolls (Abridged) where Deriba many styles. The letter made sense to its title, but like chingadamadre is about carpe diem, in this meant that wants to be a slut, says live life philosophy, do not go there to bitch with older people, is somewhat agree with the title (I hate to say) but lolita character is much more than that, it was more complicated, dramatic, passionate. Love
transgenic; if they believed that was stupid selfish expect thisMystery scissors nand the same goes for the next stanza, and if you do not understand my idea, just re-read my translation.
In conclusion: The lyrics make no sense, and with them, or the title, and are horrible abuse of repetitive elements, as selfish, lolita lala, the night is anesthesia, which seemed to hear songs you wanted drug , or a roll depressive complicated, but that if no lack of love in all the fucking songs and can not talk about another fucking thing, and then the title is what bothers me most, I do not think any of them being connected with the essence of the philosophy of carpe diem in a harmonic sense, it's okay to live life without scrubbing or anyone screw you, but this is related to that motherfucker. 4 º Video: We only offer vi selfish, not vi that sacarn of others but when I saw him FUCK NO AHHBHHHHHHHHHAEHASDFHADFHADFHADFHASHA encerio, may become silly videos of songs and sometimes make no sense because the song also makes no sense, or sometimes the artist does not look for one with his songs but this is not the hell they wanted to do, first put the "PRINCESS BELINDA (vomiting puag ¬ ¬) and starts with a dog barking in her dress that came out on the cover, seems to bring gum in the hair, then goes pitbull (another asshole who speak of the later) singing, and leugo out on his throne and then at a party, then the dog after the fire, then a "dance battle" and the skull MOTHER WAS NOT the last of the video was like Be, To sound smart or deep, or when you started and now I do and I doubt they do in the future, not having to do with Carpe diem string of blowjobs that are in your lyrics, and stop playing with the mixer when you hear your music because of the cock and ashamed. And that was it, I hope someone will read it and you leave something and if not, nimodo, which they liked so well, comment, and not to the cock vallanse but just want to comment Siqueiros as insults, clapping they want if they do not like it or things like that but did not change my idea that this album is the cock And I criticize, insult, in good shape, bad shape, hard and raw, but with fundamentals. if you like i do the same with megual mother being worth viele me haha (nodel all) madkiwii is dismissedSaturday, July 10, 2010
Ovarian Cyst Baby Kick Понимаю ли я таблицу умноженія?
Sunday, July 4, 2010
My Rights To Return The Car I made it!
two very important things: 1 -.
Finish high school 2 .- Surviving
last month of school haha
These two things got after much effort!
The last period class was one of the busiest periods I've had and was long and tiring.
The third period was for me a combination of jobs, tasks and exhibitions endless!
I did everything and explain it a little better here goes. The expomarista
did a constitution, we went to a travel agency to get information, I got a tent and furniture for our tent, etc, etc, etc, did an investigation of the crisisew stage, a stage where I'm not sure of many things but I hope I go well and although it hurts me to leave my city, leave my friends, my family, my home and my school to me is that although no will be the same but I do not regret anything, these 3 years have been the net and repeat without thinking twice.
Today is my last day living in my city, now that I'm going to be my new stage and finished another chapter today.
I can only thank my wonderful friends, also called the gang, BY TOO the time we spent together, all the time who supported me, been there for me, I heard, endured my dramas and anger and all Sometimes that made me laugh,true that my days would not have been so amazing without you and believe me when I say that I miss with my heart !!!!! tooodo
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Tile Switch Plate Covers The case against \
Let me elaborate.
\MLXC Derivatives are similarly computed without taking a limit. Continuity of functions is defined as \ows to infinity is Represented by an "unbounded hyperreal number", the sequence Could Quickly Grow, or very Quickly, or slowly, or very slowly, and for Each Conceivable "growth rate" there is a hyperreal number of the Corresponding "order of magnitude ". There is an uncountable number of Different Growth rates. The set of hyperreals Complicated is quite a thing to imagine! No wonder a textbook Can not Give specific examples of infinitesimals and Keeps writing "dx" or "epsilon." However, students will Have a hard time Trying to Understand this concept Without an intuitive picture. I think it is Not Productive to require students to Understand the hierarchy of Growth Such orders at an early stage in a beginner's calculus course. I see this as the first major problem. The secon d problem is that not all limits can be computed simply by \third problem is That I Will Have students trouble with the notion of convergence of series after seeing all WHERE Calculations So Many Powers of "epsilon" are Automatically infinitesimal. The convergence of series is an Especially shady spot in nonstandard analysis. That says a truncated one series has the sum S (n) Where n is the number of terms. Then one Substitutes an "unbounded integer" instead of n. This is impossible to do in practice unless Already one has S (n) as an analytic function of n. Also, the idea of "unbounded integers" is very complicated. For example, "cos (2 * Pi * n)" should be "almost equal" to 1 When n is an "unbounded integer." (Or Should it be
Exactly equal to 1?) However, as we Have Seen, "cos x" is undefined Actually if x is unbounded, like when to x = 1/epsilon with infinitesimal epsilon. It appears that \e bounded function, then x=y when we finally take the limit epsilon=0.\
Monday, June 7, 2010
Does A Prolapsed Uterus Go Away?
I focus on scientists who work on basic theoretical research --- the \ ( that permits them to exchange results quickly and somewhat informally. It is precisely these scientists who do not feel particularly motivated by money, who resent the idea of deadlines or reporting to a boss, who like choosing their projects based on fascination and interest, and who may come to the office at 4 pm to stay there until 3 am and continue working on weekends and holidays. In other words, scientists seem to have have all the attitudes typical for people engaged in a purely volunteer effort.
This volunteer effort happens to be moderately remunerated and in certain countries may even look like a career, but this has not always been the case. It used to be the case that you got money only for performing a tangible service that other people wanted renThe mind CAN Develop A Certain aptitude and liking for a particular task That Does Not Actually Have Anything to do with the real world But, to the mind Fascinated, Appears To Be as Relevant and important as real-world task and Stock (or even more important !). Fascinated by the Saami people find activity Each Other and continue to Pursue Their Common Interest. Any Remuneration for Their Work Is Purely incidental (eg the miserly book royalties) and is Not Regarded as important. One obvious difference
Between the scientific community and to local scientists Interest That club is publish, and SP, ie produces visible results (one counter That Could Also Sometimes players chess games publish Their, Which Are Useful for future chess players). The "amount of science Produced"y, especially in the internet age where it costs almost nothing to publish. I recently learned that Ebay sells $1 billion/yr worth of junk, Amazon sells $3 billin/yr worth of books, while Elsevier makes $8 billion/yr mostly on sales of subscriptions to its online publications, with a profit margin of 22%. This money is paid by universities, who then force scientists to attract more funds. Scientists then find themselves fighting for grant money.
1. Basic scientific research must be openly recognized as a volunteer effort. Money should be paid only for actual services rendered, e.g. teaching or computer programming or consulting. Governments should not be allowed to directly sponsor science because this leads to massive abuses and a decline in the quality of work. Private persons do it sponsoring science discretion and at Their Own Risk. (Rich indivuduals with an Interest in science of course Pursue That May Interest.)
2. Scientists publish dog for free on the Internet using Any free license (GNU FDL or Creative Commons ", or whatever). The best way to make a volunteer effort "is to make it visible Commonly accessible. The Basically noncommercial, volunteer nature of the scientific publishing Effort Should Be Made explicit, in That the results of Effort That Are Freely accessible.
3. Such publishers as Elsevier, Springer, etc., Who Routinely take camera-ready texts from scientists
Them And Then sell back to scientists at monopoly prices
, Should Be boycott. It Would Be Much Better if science Monographs and Textbooks Were Freely accessible. Cheap print shops sell dog-on-demand printed copies of Textbooks to students at $ 0.05 per page. Poor students CAN buy a $ 200 computer and read the Textbooks on the screen.
Friday, May 28, 2010
What Ever Happened To Tailor Made
You know the darkest secrets of people?
as their most guiltiest pleasures?
Well today at school I discovered one of the q muuuchos I have. Beginning
because I like dance music, especially the electronics antrera, I like looooong read fashion magazines like Vogue, Elle and Glamour among others, I like watching TV series like you have no idea!
But back to fashion magazines, I love to read, I like to see designs, know about fashion designers and the newest, I love seeing pictures of catwalks and red carpets, but as addict is not any of this addict is seen as a designer and saber his name, if you call that addiction!
And today in my room, I cache, as well as heard, they knew that I know about fashion and designers.
One of my friends was bringing an innocent fashion magazine and suddenly I teach so as to say look! then turn around and saw John Galiano and inocentemete said "That's not the John Galiano?" and poof! My partner stayed
faced as hell know how you call this guy! and said "We never thought that you liked the fashion magazines!" and then be released to several people ask me if I do like the "fashion" and stuff. I am sorry
or Noada like that know fashion but I do not like to tell everyone ...
Oh and by the way, no, I do not like designing, I just like to see the designs. What is your biggest
guiltiest pleasure?
Friday, May 21, 2010
Macy's Long Island Ny The summer is blue (8)
But what happens when you get 1 month vacation?
1 month!
1 single month!
a miserable month! Then
kieres take every day doing productive things like sleep, sleep and sleep not?
I even had the idea of planning every day to q I am not out to do nothing, but the reality is ugly! Feaaaaa
! And if porsi
and had very little vacation time they shoot it! now I have LESS!
And all the remedial, remedial damn!
So, now how much I'll have a miserable two weeks, so mucho, osea q'm exaggerating when I say I'll have 2 weeks of which I'm sure I'll be busy making preparations and things to think about where the hell do I get furniture for the place I'm going q among other things.
I have only two miserable weeks of vacation (exaggerated) for q going to do some training before going to no longer take remedial subjects in the semester so that we might finish in time or not to carry such a load of materials later.
a Friday in July is my graduation, I mean my party and you know what? on Monday after my graduation begin the remedial!! Just as
heard, get to the courses with the party still awake, tired and sleepy but all
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Strep Throat Vs Strep Pneumoniae
other hand I must say that I have no boyfriend or anything like that and even if it is open, I discovered (or so I believe) because I still have a boyfriend, if he or I were now to seek and find someone to if I liked it or something, when it was time to go I would be more difficult than it already is now, so I prefer for now to focus on finishing well and then see. Maybe my mom
razóny has not made me go sooo hard to pick because there's really nothing very important that I hold or stop me and make me think twice about my choice. At the moment I can only say that perhaps I have been focusing a bit much to what is right to choose what they want ... And also blame philosophy book I'm reading it makes me all @ _ @ and suddenly can not tell up from down, right from mediocreo and especially difficult to tell me what you're supposed to happy siemplemente what happens ...
The worst thing is that at this very moment I'm waiting, I'm almost counting the seconds for both morning and tell me the result veeeeeeeeery important and what better way to kill time to write a bit and clear the mind.
keep waiting, concentrating efforts and making decisions.
See you soon!
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Protein S Deficiency More Condition_symptoms
Friday, March 26, 2010
Is Human Scabies Contagious To Dogs
(let's be realistic), and I win in Each toss if the coin lands heads up, Otherwise you win. Suppose I bet $ 10 on Each toss, and you bet $ 2. Probability theory will tell us That I am making a mistake on Each toss Because I am going to lose $ 4 on average. That how can we verify this is correct? If we start playing and I win, does it mean the probability theory That Does Not Apply to Coin Toss? No, Because It Can Happen That I win. If we start playing and I lose, does it mean That the theory is correct? No, Because It Can Happen Also
That I lose.
Let us now imagine
That You Are a manager of a company Who decides how much you have toto bet in this game. You collect statistical information and find that from each thousand people playing, most of them win this game when they bet $2, although some of them still lose. Does it mean that your company should bet $2? Strictly speaking, it is still not certain that you will win if you bet $2. You and I may believe that it is better to bet $2 than $10 in this game, but it remains unclear exactly
it is better. I may say that it is better to bet $2 because then we win $4
on average
. But \on certain more or less randomly chosen information.
So, strictly speaking, the theory of probability can be applied in real life only if we believe that it is \
Thursday, March 11, 2010
How To Make Sinkers For The Pool
After a time I leave my LJ decided to return: D
I return to school and maybe that's the reason for my lack of updating, but it was not only that.
Lately I've been sooo busy with various things, from personal issues to projects in ecology stupid!
But I'm back!
Tomorrow I'm going, as well as the title says!
'll go out of my not so beautiful city to another city O_O jajaja
I'll go this weekend to present, I hope, the last entrance exam.
I admit that I have presented many as in several of my choices I have fast tracked but I can say!
I like to complicate my life and take exams!
Among other things, this wonderful weekend I have bridge yei! and building I have to go to submit my review as I'll go with my family, or part thereof, to rest, walk and distract a bit from the horrible routine.
And returning to more familiar topics, I have new addictions oh yeah!
Lately I've been watching a series called American Dreams and oh how I like it! : D I've also been reading the Vampire Chronicles books (and I in the middle of 3) and I also entertain a lot!
But do not leave behind some of my old addictions, ff read late into the night, it is the only time I haveor chance, and be on fb lol
So, wish me luck and see you soon!
Renewing Camcorder Batteries F1 2010: Our year.
1. Fernando Alonso . I think that says it all. Three championships.
2. Lewis Hamilton
. Have a car and a great driver (apart from everything that has happened in his early years). Believe it has matured. You can choose a lot.
3. Mark Webber
. Mark was in last year's world the invisible corridor. It was great racing. Was regular. He moved in silence.
4. Felipe Massa
. Again after that terrible accident that spilled a mill securp; iacute; or this guy. Speed runs in his blood.
13. Robert Kubica . I hope Kubica fight for the championship ... but do not think so. Renault is not anywhere near a competitive team.
14. Heikki Kovalainen . Great hurt at McLaren.
15. Kamui Kovayashi . I have confidence in him. He showed a lot.
16. Nico Hulkenberg
. You can learn a lot from Rubinho. 17. Adrian Sutil
. Force India is ... I do not think you take to much. 18. Lucas Di Grassi
. "Virgin Racing? We'll see. 19. Timo Glock
. Same thing. I hope this year is not global gifts on the last lap. 20. Alguersuari
. To this day I do not think good pilot. I hate the excuse "I have a few races, I try." No. Here you come to give everything, not making excuses.
21. Vitantonio Liuzzi . I do not see Force India also strong. 22. Vitaly Petrov
. What has been said before with Kubica. 23. Sebastien Buemi
. Toro Rosso is not at all a strong team. 24. Karun Chandhok
. I can not say anything about him. I do not know, but I hope to do. Perhaps surprisingly, though I do not.
Alonso I, I and I know it will be first, which will stand as champion. The remaining positions are quite indifferent to me. I prefer to some than to others: Rosberg, Webber, Peter Kubica, Rubinho ... but everything can not be achieved.
Racing Calendar (updated as I will contend for major awards
): Bahrain: 1 Alonso, Massa 2 º, 3 º Hamilton # post
Button Australia 1 º, 2 º Kubica, Massa 3 °, 4 ° ALONSO # post
China Malaysia
Spain Turkey Monaco
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How Do People Get Long Qt Syndrome?
I love vacation!
And perhaps these are my last vacation so, calm, Disappear and laziness.
And with so much free time I do? Well
starting blogging, reading, watching TV, be on the internet and other things without productivity.
But also I spend whoooole day or almost every day in my house, and to some extent can be boring.
Sometimes there are days that I go out, even the garden of my house!
This is what I call enclaustración
Sunday, January 10, 2010
What Kind Of Dresses Are There On Poptropica?
And again I remember how much I fell in love with Orlando Jonathan Blanchard Bloom when I was 9 years old only, oh. It had all the wallpaper, poster-size, hanging from the movie brought U.S., ring ... I went to an exhibition that took place here and freaked. But there were the costumes of Gimli and Legolas, among some others and went to Santiago sóoooolo to view. Te
Oh yes, Legolas ... taládrame heart-open arms
much love, favoooooooooooor! ♥
Orlando and his hair, OMG!
What do you think of this? Kjsfdhkjdkf The boy face is adorable Bloom and Viggo ... kjshdakjahd is Viggo.
I imagine playing y. .. xD finally bonitaaaaaas things, aaaaaaaw.
and phrases, fraaaaaaaaaases, could not miss, of course:
A wizard is never late. Not soon. Arrives just when needed.
I will not say do not weep, for not all tears are bitter. "Hands up everyone who has cried over this time, oh god.
never imagined he would die fighting alongside an Elf
. - not with a friend?
Many who live deserve death and some that die deserve life. Can you give life? So do not rush to dispense death. Not even the wisest
these extremes can be discerned. "Wise, Gandalf.
Even the most insignificant person can change the course of the future.
"Cuantísima reason. "
Before you share a life to face all the ages of this world alone.
"Oh, the amooooooor. "
If my lifeor my death I can protect you, I will ...
has my sword "Aragorn, let's get married *-* " Gondor has no king, Gondor needs no king. "We've all hated and cried at his death.
is dangerous, Frodo, going out your door. You step on the road, and if you keep your feet, you never know where you can take. "
" - I wonder if people tell me one day: "It tells the story of Frodo and the Ring." And say, "Oh, yes, it's one of my favorite stories." "Frodo was very brave, is not it, father? &XC
And okay, I like all stop and would not stop and never above this is so fucking beautiful, and I'm so oversensitive ♥
PS: Tomorrow someone Ferrari wears, ay, ay, ay.