Sunday, March 1, 2009

University Introductory Letter Samples

few days ago, was talking on the street with some friends and one of them finished his sentence with: "So so" at that time, I had a flashback to a moment in my childhood, about when I was 5 or 6 years, where he saw me singing a song that had those two words, but for most q tried but could not remember anything of the song in my head had only those two sentences, and well a verse that said: "So so so washbasin, lol I guess not many remember that chorus, but I hope that when they see the lyrics of the song I remember, and me with a trip to the past and see singing this song in the nest, or perhaps at home,I, as well
So well ironed, and ironed
So I saw her.

Wednesday before lunch
A girl was playing

But he could not play because I had to sew and sewed

So and So
and sewed and sewed So
well, and sewed
So that I saw.

Thursday before lunch
A girl was playing

But he could not play because I had to sweep and sweep

So and So
well swept and swept So
wellAnd swept
So I saw her.

Friday before lunch
A girl was playing

But he could not play because I had to cook. So

well cooked and well cooked
So and So
well cooked and cooked
So I saw her.

Saturday before lunch
A girl was playing

But he could not play because I had to embroider.

embroidered So so so so
So embroider and embroider
So so so
embroidered So I saw

Sunday before lunch or & Aamp; about girls, a was to play

But he could not play because I had to weave. So

and wove and wove and
So and So
and wove and wove
So I saw her

the song is that now they can be a bit sexist to some of you, but in the period in which they wrote, it was not for these purposes, originally sang English clowns, and some of us some of his songs we are familiar because Yola the singing, my mom tells me, hahaha, songs like Hello Don Pepito, and in the


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